
Preprints, In Review, and In Prep

* authors contributed equally

[32] Zulian, V and C Youngflesh. Multiple mechanisms shape phenotypic variation across populations of North American birds. In Review

[31] Tonelli, B, C Youngflesh, M Tingley. Demography versus dispersion: evaluating the causes and consequences of vagrancy in birds. In Review

[30] Amaral, B, C Youngflesh, D Miller, M Tingley. Shifting gears in a shifting climate: birds adjust migration speed in response to spring vegetation green-up. In Review

[29] Song, Y, M Barnes, D Browning, K Bybee-Finley, K Dahlin, T McDevitt-Galles, SB Munch, G Ponce-Campos, C Youngflesh, B Zuckerberg, K Zhu. Ecological synchrony in human-modified landscapes under a changing climate. In review

[28] Hart, T, F Jones, C Black, C Lintott, C Youngflesh, HJ Lynch, A Davies, E Maguire, A Zisserman, C Arteta, P Barham, C Southwell, L Emmerson, M Jessopp. Time-lapse imagery is cheap and timely in the fight against colonial species’ decline. Preprint available on Authorea DOI: 10.22541/au.162686380.02020424/v1

Peer-Reviewed Publications

[27] Belitz, M, E Larsen, A Hurlbert, G Di Cecco, N Neupane, L Ries, M Tingley, R Guralnick*, C Youngflesh*. Potential for bird-insect phenological mismatch in a tri-trophic system. In press at Journal of Animal Ecology

[26] Youngflesh, C, K Kapsar, A Uscanga, PJ Williams, JW Doser, L Kounta, PL Zarnetske. 2025. Environmental variation shapes life history of the world’s birds. Ecology Letters 28:e70077. [PDF]

[25] Gould, E, and 253 others (including C Youngflesh). 2025. Same data, different analysts: Variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology 23:35. [PDF]

[24] Tonelli, BA, C Youngflesh, T Cox, MHC Neate-Clegg, EB Cohen, MW Tingley. 2024. Spatial nonstationarity in phenological responses of Nearctic birds to climate variability. Ecology Letters 27:e14526. [PDF]

[23] Kaczvinsky, C, H Levy, S Preston, C Youngflesh, G Clucas, HJ Lynch, AL Smith, T Hart. 2024. The influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the bacterial microbiome of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) in their natural environment. Scientific Reports 14:17933. [PDF]

[22] Youngflesh, C, JF Saracco, RB Siegel, MW Tingley. 2024. Reply to: Shrinking body size may not provide meaningful thermoregulatory benefits in a warming world. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8: 390-391. [Matters Arising] [PDF]

[21] Youngflesh, C, GA Montgomery, JF Saracco, DAW Miller, RP Guralnick, AH Hurlbert, RB Siegel, R LaFrance, MW Tingley. 2023. Demographic consequences of phenological asynchrony for North American songbirds. PNAS 120:e2221961120. [PDF]

[20] Grames EM, GA Montgomery, C Youngflesh, MW Tingley, CS Elphick. 2023. The influence of insect food availability on avian body condition and reproductive success. Ecology Letters 26:658-673. [PDF]

[19] Neate-Clegg, MHC, BA Tonelli, C Youngflesh, JX Wu, GA Montgomery, ÇH Şekercioğlu, MW Tinley. 2023. Traits shaping urban tolerance in birds differ around the world. Current Biology 33:1-12. [PDF]

[18] Halpern, B, and 114 others (including C Youngflesh). 2023. Priorities for synthesis in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14. [PDF]

[17] Tonelli, BA, C Youngflesh, MW Tingley. 2023. Geomagnetic disturbance associated with increased vagrancy in migratory landbirds. Scientific Reports 13:414. [PDF]

[16] Youngflesh, C, JC Withey. 2022. Can birds ‘keep up’ with earlier springs? National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science [Teaching Case Study] [PDF] [Teaching Notes] [Data] [Email for Answer Key]

[15] Youngflesh, C, JF Saracco, RB Siegel, MW Tingley. 2022. Abiotic conditions shape spatial and temporal morphological variation in North American birds. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1860-1870. [PDF]

[14] Robinson, OJ, JB Socolar, EF Stuber, T Auer, AJ Berryman, PH Boersch-Supan, DJ Brightsmith, AH Burbidge, SHM Butchart, CL Davis, AM Dokter, AS Di Giacomo, A Farnsworth, D Fink, WM Hochachka, PE Howell, FA La Sorte, AC Lees, S Marsden, R Martin, RO Martin, JF Masello, ET Miller, Y Moodley, A Musgrove, D Noble, V Ojeda, P Quillfeldt, JA Royle, V Ruiz-Gutierrez, JL Tella, P Yorio, C Youngflesh, A Johnston. 2022. Extreme uncertainty and unquantifiable bias do not inform population sizes. PNAS 114:E8953–E8954. [Letter] [PDF]

[13] de Lange, O, C Youngflesh, A Ibarra, RC Perez, M Kaplan. 2021. Broadening participation: 21st century opportunities for amateurs in biology research. Integrative and Comparative Biology 61:2294-2305. [PDF]

[12] Youngflesh, C, Y Li, HJ Lynch, K Delord, C Barbraud, R Ji, S Jenouvrier. 2021. Lack of synchronized breeding success in a seabird community: Extreme events, niche separation, and environmental variability. Oikos 130:1943-1953. [PDF]

[11] Schweinsberg, M, and 178 others (including C Youngflesh). 2021. Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 165:228-249.[PDF]

[10] Youngflesh, C, J Socolar, BR Amaral, A Arab, RP Guralnick, AH Hurlbert, R LaFrance, SJ Mayor, DAW Miller, MW Tingley. 2021. Migratory strategy drives species-level variation in bird sensitivity to green-up. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5:987–994. [PDF]

[9] Rollinson, CR, A Finley, MR Alexander, S Banerjee, KAD Hamil, LE Koenig, DH Locke, M Peterson, M Tingley, K Wheeler, C Youngflesh, EF Zipkin. 2021. Working across space and time: Nonstationarity in ecological research and application. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19:66-72. [PDF]

[8] Youngflesh, C*, F Jones*, HJ Lynch, J Arthur, Z Macháčková, H Torsey, T Hart. 2021. Large-scale assessment of intra- and inter-annual breeding success using a remote camera network. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7:97-108. [PDF]

[7] Lynch MA, C Youngflesh, NH Agha, MA Ottinger, HJ Lynch. 2019. Tourism and stress hormone measures in gentoo penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology 42:1299–1306. [PDF]

[6] Youngflesh, C, S Jenouvrier, JT Hinke, L DuBois, J St. Leger, WZ Trivelpiece, SG Trivelpiece, HJ Lynch. 2018. Rethinking “normal”: The role of stochasticity in the phenology of a synchronously breeding seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:682-690. [PDF]

[5] Youngflesh, C. 2018. MCMCvis: Tools to visualize, manipulate, and summarize MCMC output. Journal of Open Source Software 3:640. [PDF] [R Package Vignette]

[4] Borowicz, A, P McDowall, C Youngflesh, T Sayre-McCord, G Clucas, R Herman, S Forrest, M Rider, M Schwaller, T Hart, S Jenouvrier, M Polito, H Singh, HJ Lynch. 2018. Multi-modal survey of Adélie penguin mega-colonies reveals the Dangers Islands as a seabird hotspot. Scientific Reports 8. [PDF]

[3] Youngflesh, C, and HJ Lynch. 2017. Black-swan events: Population crashes or temporary emigration? PNAS 114:E8953–E8954. [Letter] [PDF]

[2] Che-Castaldo, C, S Jenouvrier, C Youngflesh, K Shoemaker, G Humphries, P McDowall, L Landrum, M Holland, Y Li, R Ji, HJ Lynch. 2017. Spatial aggregation reveals robust dynamics despite stochastic noise in pan-Antarctic analysis of Adélie penguin abundance. Nature Communications 8:832. [PDF]

[1] Youngflesh, C, S Jenouvrier, Y Li, R Ji, DG Ainley, G Ballard, C Barbraud, K Delord, KM Dugger, LM Emmerson, WR Fraser, JT Hinke, POB Lyver, S Olmastroni, CJ Southwell, SG Trivelpiece, WZ Trivelpiece, HJ Lynch. 2017. Circumpolar analysis of the Adélie penguin reveals the importance of environmental variability in phenological mismatch. Ecology 98:940-951. [Featured cover story] [PDF]

Other Publications

[3] Rogers, C, R Abrol, A Johnson, L Lima, K McKenna, C Youngflesh. 2019. Perturbation Research Teams Using Reintegrated Biology (PeRTURB). NSF Reintegrating Biology: Vision Papers [White paper]

[2] Youngflesh, C. 2019. Assessing impacts of the changing Arctic on walrus dynamics using satellite-based monitoring. NASA Biological Diversity and Ecological Forecasting Programs: White Papers on Important Questions [White paper]

[1] Youngflesh, C. 2018. Precipitation could spell peril for penguins. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16:380–380. [EcoPics series]

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